Preschool Schedule

This schedule varies depending on classroom/age group and daily schedules

Arrival-9:00 Free Play 
9:00-9:30 Morning Meeting (Calendar and Weather/Pledge/Morning Prayer/Story/Song or Game)
9:30-10:00 Project/Learning Centers/Activity
10:00-10:10 Prayer and Snack
10:10-10:45 Recess or Indoor Centers/Music and Movement/Pre-Kindergarten Small Group Work
10:45-11:00 Religion and Bible Story/Morning Review/Song/ Lunch Time Prayer
11:00-11:10 Prepare for Lunch/Half Day Dismissal (Use restrooms and wash hands before lunch)
11:15-11:45 Lunch
11:45-12:00 Bathroom/Rest Mats
12:00-12:30 Rest and Relaxation (wind down) - Story
12:30-2:00 Nap
2:00-2:10 Wake up/Clean up
2:10-2:25 Snack
2:25-2:55 Outdoor Recess/ Indoor Free Play
2:40-2:55 Story/Wrap Up/Song
2:50 St. Gabriel Sibling Dismissal
2:55-3:00 Pack up/Dismissal
3:00-6:00 Aftercare


Our classroom schedules are very flexible, but we like to stick to a daily routine as best as we can.  Some schedule times will vary slightly from day to day depending on the length of activities/projects planned as well as our special class schedule.

Special Classes

(Special Class times change yearly)

Music with Mrs. Reck (in our classroom) – Wednesday 10:00-10:30 am

Library (in the library) – Thursday 10:05-10:25 am

PE (in the gym) – Friday 9:30-10:00 am