St. Raphael the Archangel Home and School Association Bylaws

Article I.  Name

The name of the organization shall be the St. Raphael the Archangel (SRA) Home and School Association (hereafter called “the Association”).


Article II.  Authority

Ultimately, the pastor has the responsibility for the school and the Association shall function only with his consent, and the consent of the school principal.  Decisions of the Association are implemented with the consent of the principal and with the support of the pastor. If at any time there is a discrepancy between the wishes of the principal and the pastor, the pastor will have final say.


Article III. Purpose

The objectives of the Association shall be:

  1. To support the faith development and religious growth of the students at SRA.
  2. To promote communication among the parents, step parents, guardians, teachers, staff and administration.
  3. To provide parents, step parents and guardians with the information to aid in education, growth and development of their children.  
  4. To support SRA through fundraising, hospitality, social events and volunteer activities.


Article IV. Finances

Monies received by the Association shall be deposited in the Association bank account. Expenses of the Association are paid by the Association treasurer upon the appropriate authorization of the Association. The funds of the Association may not be used for refreshments for Executive Board Meetings or the personal expenses of any member.


Article V. Membership

Membership includes the parents, step parents and guardians of any student at SRA and the pastor, administration, faculty and staff of the school.


Article VI. Executive Board

The Executive Board shall consist of the five (5) voting officers of the Association (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Head Room Parent) and the Faculty Liaison. The Executive Committee may also include the pastor, principal and any others as designated by the pastor, principal or Association President.


The Executive Board shall meet once a month from July to May to conduct the Association’s business affairs; provide general meeting programs of interest, form committees as deemed necessary; review committee recommendations and report on their financials; review and recommend disbursement of money collected from fundraising and contributions.  June meeting is at the discretion of the President.  Executive Board meetings are open to the general membership via appointment only. Attendance at these monthly meetings is extremely important. Any member of the Executive Board who misses three consecutive monthly meetings (without notification) or five meetings in one year, will be required to have a meeting with the Principal and two other Executive Board Members to assess their commitment to the Association.  


Article VII. Officers and Duties

The officers of the Association shall consist of: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Head Room Parent and Faculty Liaison.  Non-voting members of the Executive Board of the Association shall include, but are not limited to the principal of SRA and the pastor of the parish.


Additional Non-Voting Officers shall consist of the Volunteer Coordinator, Fundraising Coordinator, Head Guardian Angel etc. These officers may be called to attend an Executive Board meeting on occasion, to provide an update, however, at no time will they vote or make financial decisions on behalf of the Association.


For a complete list of qualification and duties, please refer to the Job Descriptions for each officer. 


Article VIII. Election and Tenure

  1. Officers of the Association shall be pulled from a hat at an Executive Board Meeting witnessed by pastor. Only those nominees who meet the qualifications and demonstrate a willingness to serve shall have their name placed in the hat.
    1. The Faculty Liaison shall draw the name. In the absence of the Faculty Liaison, the Principal or President of the Association may draw the name.
  2. Candidates shall be approved by the Pastor and the Executive Board.
  3. The term for each office shall vary. See job descriptions for term limits for each officer.
  4. At NO time should the President of the School Board and the President of the Association be parents, step parents, or guardians of the same child at SRA. 


Article IX. General Meetings

The Association will strive to hold no fewer than three open meetings per year. The general membership shall receive a financial update no fewer than twice a year, however any and all expenditures shall only be voted on by the Executive Board of the Association.


Article X. Committees

All members of the Association are eligible to be members or chairs of the committees. The Volunteer Coordinator shall call for volunteers for committees. In the absence of the Volunteer Coordinator, the Vice President shall make the call. Each Committee Chair is responsible for a monthly report to the Executive Committee. New events/committee suggestions can be made at General Meetings and approved at the following Executive Board Meeting.

  1. Committees include, but are not limited to;
    1. Cookies with Santa
    2. Trivia Night
      1. Trivia Night Sponsorships
    3. Watermelon Festival
    4. Progressive Dinner
    5. Catholic Schools Week
      1. Teacher Appreciation Luncheon

For a full description of the responsibilities for each committee, refer to the binder for that committee.


Article XI. Changes/Amendments

The Association bylaws, job descriptions and mission statement shall not be changed or modified without written approval from the pastor, the principal AND the Association President.  Changes shall be communicated to the general membership in writing within 30 days of approval. A current copy of the by-laws, job descriptions and mission statement should be on SRA school website at all times.