Tuition and Fees

Pre-K Tuition and Fees

All completed registration materials and the $100 Registration Fee per child should be completed online.

Tuition payments for Pre-K begin on August 1st and must be made through FACTS Automatic Withdrawal.

Below is the outline of the fees and tuition for the 2025-2026 Academic Year. The amount shown is the cost per month.

# of Days Per Week Half Day Full Day
3 Days $284.00 $567.00
5 Days $416.00 $830.00

Tuition payments through FACTS begin in August each year and continue through May.

Kindergarten-8th Grade Tuition and Fees

All completed registration materials and the Registration Fee of $250 per child should be completed online.  The registration fee is non-refundable.

There is a Technology Fee of $125 for each child due before August 15, 2025.

Tuition payments for Kindergarten-8th Grade begin on July 1st or must be made through FACTS Automatic Withdrawal.

Below is the outline of the fees and tuition for the 2025-2026 Academic Year.  Please note that the tuition amount is different if you have one child, two, or three or more in school.

Payment Options 12-Month Payment Plan Full Year Total
One Child $603.00 $7,236.00
Two Children $910.00 $10,920.00
Three or More Children $1,106.00 $13,272.00

Tuition payments through FACTS begin July 1 each year and continue through June 30.

Saint Raphael the Archangel Parish understands the importance of a Catholic Education and the difficulty in affording the cost of tuition and we honor Pope Benedict XVII words,

"No child should be denied his or her right to an education in faith, which in turn nurtures the soul of a nation.”

If your family is in need of financial assistance for tuition, please check the Scholarship Opportunities page or make an appointment with Father John before the end of the current  school year.  All available financial aid forms must be completed and turned in prior to requesting aid from the parish. To schedule an appointment, please call the rectory at 314-352-8100.